Featured Projects

Multiple countriesOngoing


aprendIA is an AI-driven chatbot platform that delivers educational and learning experiences through messaging platforms, enabling children to learn anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

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Multiple countriesOngoing

ComPAS: Combined Protocol for Acute Malnutrition Study

Simplifying the way acute malnutrition is treated to save lives & improve coverage through cost savings

Explore Project

Impacts of anticipatory cash to small-holder farmers and livestock owners in Northeast Nigeria

The overall positive impacts of anticipatory cash to small-holder farmers and livestock owners in Northeast Nigeria in advance of forecasted climatic shocks.

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Multiple countriesOngoing

Seed Security Solution Package

Ensuring farmers in conflict-affected contexts have access to quality climate-adapted seeds.

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Sudan, SouthCompleted

Self-managed Contraception in South Sudan

To explore the feasibility and acceptability of the self-injected contraception model in rural and urban settings of South Sudan.

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All Projects

Showing 175 Projects
Multiple countriesCompleted

A Conceptual Framework for Education Research in Conflict and Protracted Crisis (ERICC)

The ERICC Research Programme Consortium is a global research and learning consortium that strives to transform education policy and practice in conflict and protracted crisis around the world, through building a global hub for a rigorous, context-relevant and actionable evidence base. ERICC seeks to identify the most effective approaches to sustainably support education systems and holistic learning and development of children in conflict and crisis around the world. ERICC aims to bridge research, practice, and policy with accessible and actionable knowledge — at local, national, regional and global levels — through co-construction of research and collaborative partnerships. ERICC is supported by UK Aid.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Critical review of community-driven development programs in conflict-affected contexts

Explore Project

A learning assessment of in and out-of-school Venezuelan refugee children and their Colombian 1st to 5th grade counterparts in Cucuta

Educators and policymakers in the region lacked evidence about the learning needs of Venezuelan child refugees. With support from the Tinker Foundation, the IRC conducted a learning assessment in Cucuta to fill this information gap.

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New model for delivering cash relief – Findings from the IRC’s Cash Research & Development Program

Cash relief is gaining increasing attention in the humanitarian sector as an effective evidence-based intervention to enable populations affected by a crisis to meet a wide range of outcomes. However, cash assistance as currently implemented can take a long time to reach the people in need in an emergency, and is characterized by manual inefficient practices which limit the scale of interventions.

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Pilot study of a portable hand-washing station for recently displaced refugees during an acute emergency

Explore Project

Program evaluation of handheld solar light distribution among displaced populations in Haiti

Explore Project

Adherence to amoxicillin among children with non-severe pneumonia treated by community health workers

Explore Project

Advancing Self-Care for Women in IDP Camps in Borno State

Enhance access to and ease of self-management of contraceptive needs for women in Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps in Borno state, Nigeria.

Explore Project

Impact and embedded process evaluation of the IRC’s Fifth Child community engagement strategy aimed at increasing immunization coverage

Explore Project
Ivory CoastCompleted

Analysis of the community-led strategy adopted in the context of the preparation of the response to Ebola Virus Disease

Explore Project
Multiple countriesOngoing


aprendIA is an AI-driven chatbot platform that delivers educational and learning experiences through messaging platforms, enabling children to learn anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Ask Laila

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Assessing and improving primary health care models for Non-Communicable Disease management in two complex emergencies

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Assessing the feasibility and effectiveness of COMPASS programming to prevent  violence against adolescent girls

Findings from these studies combined indicate very high acceptability and feasibility of the COMPASS program. While no significant changes related to violence were observed, numerous secondary outcomes such as gender norms, aspirational attitudes, and increased social networks were improved.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Assessing the motivations, barriers, and enabling factors for hand washing behaviors in refugee camp settings

Explore Project
Sierra LeoneCompleted

Assessing the relative effectiveness of different programs to offset the learning costs associated with adoption of new agricultural technology in Sierra Leone

Explore Project

Assessing the State of Economic Wellbeing and Protection for Urban Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Thailand

Explore Project

AudioClass System

Automating education to reach out-of-school adolescents with low technology access

Explore Project

Becoming One

Strengthening relationships through faith leaders to prevent violence against women

Explore Project

Beyond Critique: Towards Evidence-Based Community-Driven Development Strategies for Fragile and Conflict-Affected Contexts

Explore Project
United StatesCompleted

Bridge to Safety: An Evaluation of a Pilot Intervention to Screen for and Respond to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault with Refugee Women in the U.S.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Building a Research Foundation for the Integration of Menstrual Hygiene Management into Emergencies

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

IRC Connect

Streamlining communication between resettlement caseworkers and newly arrived refugees

Explore Project

Challenges with Short-Term Mobile Money Bulk Payments

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Cities at the forefront of conflict and climate migration: Mitigating the risks of conflict over urban land and water in fragile contexts

Forced migration and displacement are re-shaping cities and countries across the globe. More people are displaced by conflict and natural disaster today than at any point in history and the percentage of world population displaced is increasing. Climate change is widely recognized as a contributing and exacerbating factor in migration and in conflict. When people flee, in most instances it is not across borders but rather to closest cities. While much climate change research is focused on the push-factors for displacement, less is known on locations of settlement and the solutions to mitigate negative impacts and harness positive impacts of migration. Cities are at the forefront of responding to climate migration, yet many are ill-prepared and under-researched to manage growing urban populations. This study aimed to contribute to improving inclusive and equitable natural resource management in fragile and conflict-affected urban and peri-urban contexts affected by internal migration through enhancing knowledge of how displacement affects the governance of natural resources in these areas and identification of promising approaches in addressing problems that may arise. A literature review was completed along with a participatory comparative case study research in Maiduguri, Nigeria and Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

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Coach Erevu

Empowering teachers to adopt new behaviors that support children’s learning and development.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Low-Literacy Malnutrition Tools

Empowering community health workers to treat severe acute malnutrition in children under five

Explore Project
Multiple countriesOngoing

Community-Based Maternal and Newborn Care

Bringing life-saving maternal and newborn care interventions closer to home in humanitarian and fragile settings

Explore Project

Community Consultation on Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance Targeting

Explore Project
Democratic Republic of CongoCompleted

Comparing Mental Health and Socio-Economic Programming for Survivors of Sexual Violence in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Explore Project
Multiple countriesOngoing

ComPAS: Combined Protocol for Acute Malnutrition Study

Simplifying the way acute malnutrition is treated to save lives & improve coverage through cost savings

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

ComPAS: Combined Protocol for Severe and Moderate Acute Malnutrition Study

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Conflict prevention and peacebuilding in Somalia and Democratic Republic of Congo: Learning from the Humanitarian-Peacebuilding-Development Nexus

Violent conflicts have created a weak protective environment for communities in Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The IRC, in partnership with the Benadir Regional Administration in Mogadishu, Somalia and the Commission Diocésaine pour la Justice et la Paix in Tanganyika Province, DRC, is seeking to implement a comprehensive program aimed at preventing violent conflict and supporting peace and state building processes and human security.

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Cost analysis at the IRC

The IRC is innovating ways to improve cost-effectiveness and we are committed to high-transparency to enable sector-wide learning.

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Crisis Risk Finance

The complex and protracted nature of humanitarian crises calls for an adequately dynamic, and long-term approach to humanitarian strategy, operations, and finance.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Defining and driving innovative finance

Designing new financing solutions for people affected by conflict

Explore Project
Multiple countriesOngoing


Improving the quality of community-based care in remote locations through technology

Explore Project

Designing the most effective bundle of services to help clients achieve economic well-being outcomes

The research aims to look at the impact and cost-effectiveness of business grants; business skills training; and, coaching and mentoring services for entrepreneurs. Our goal is to better understand the right bundle of services to deliver to clients who are receiving microenterprise support to achieve economic well-being outcomes

Explore Project
Democratic Republic of CongoCompleted

Determinants of Uptake of Intermittent Preventative Treatment for Malaria Among Pregnant Women in South Kivu

Explore Project
Sierra LeoneCompleted

Development and Assessment of Community Event–Based Surveillance for Ebola Virus Disease

Explore Project
Democratic Republic of CongoCompleted

Development and Deployment of a Vital Events Surveillance System

Explore Project
Sierra LeoneCompleted

Development of a vital events surveillance system by community health workers using mobile technology

Explore Project


A multi-agency tool to simplify cost analysis and improve value for money of humanitarian and development interventions.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Financing Refugee Crisis Response

Exploring new financial instruments to speed up response and save lives

Explore Project
Sudan, SouthOngoing

DMPA-SC Policy and System Analysis

Assessing the health system's readiness to implement and scale DMPA-SC.

Explore Project

Early Adolescent Skills for Emotions (EASE) Tanzania: Adapting and Piloting an Evidence-Based Low-Intensity Psychological Intervention for Young Adolescents

Explore Project
Multiple countriesOngoing

EdTech Global Landscape Analysis

Trends from the present and near future of technology-enabled learning

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Education Research in Conflict and Protracted Crises (ERICC)

Explore Project
Multiple countriesOngoing

Education Research in Conflict and Protracted Crisis (ERICC)

Transforming education policy and practice in conflict and protracted crisis around the world through global research and learning partnerships

Explore Project

Effect of community engagement on infection prevention and control for Ebola

Explore Project

Effectiveness and Policymaking Surrounding the Combined Protocol for Acute Malnutrition in Food-crisis Affected Contexts

Explore Project
Southern SudanCompleted

Effectiveness of a Simplified Protocol for Community Health Workers to Treat Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in an Emergency-Prone Setting

Explore Project
Democratic Republic of CongoCompleted

Effects of a Community Scorecard on Perception and Utilization of Health Services

Explore Project


Helping teachers to end physical violence in schools

Explore Project


Combining data, networks and policy to get refugees into work

Explore Project
Democratic Republic of CongoCompleted

Engaging sub-national authorities in accountable practices

Explore Project
Multiple countriesOngoing

Ensuring Quality Access and Learning for Mothers and Newborns in Conflict-Affected Contexts (EQUAL)

Ensuring Quality Access and Learning (EQUAL) for Mothers and Newborns in Conflict-Affected Contexts is a multi-country research consortium generating evidence on effective approaches to deliver life-saving maternal and newborn health care in countries affected by conflict.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Ethical Issues in Humanitarian Health in Situations of Extreme Violence

Explore Project

Evaluating an Integrated Approach to Intimate Partner Violence and Psychosocial Health in Refugees

This study, conducted among Burundian refugees in Nyaragusu camp in Tanzania, aimed to inform public health responses to humanitarian crises, particularly with regard to psychosocial issues such as intimate partner violence.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Evaluating the Feasibility of a Mental Health Intervention for Child Survivors of Sexual Violence and Other Trauma in Thailand and Ethiopia

Explore Project

Evaluating the Impact of a Community-Driven Reconstruction Program in Afghanistan

Explore Project
Democratic Republic of CongoCompleted

Evaluating the Impact of a Community-Driven Reconstruction Program on Economic Recovery, Social Cohesion, and the Quality of Governance in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Explore Project

Evaluating the Impact of a Comprehensive Livelihoods Package on Access to Economic Opportunities for Vulnerable Youth in Burundi

Explore Project

Evaluating the Impact of a Family-Based Intervention on Child Abuse and Neglect, Malaria Control, and Education Outcomes in Liberia

Explore Project

Evaluating the Impact of a Family-Based Intervention on Decreasing Child Abuse and Neglect and on Psychosocial Wellbeing for Burmese Communities in Thailand

Explore Project
Democratic Republic of CongoCompleted

Evaluating the Impact of a Focused Reading and Math Intervention Integrated with a Social-Emotional Learning Program on Student Learning Outcomes and Psychosocial Wellbeing

Explore Project

Evaluating the Impact of a Girls’ Empowerment Program in Liberia

Girl Empower is an innovative program designed to equip girls with the skills and experiences necessary to make healthy, strategic life choices and to stay safe from sexual exploitation and abuse.

Explore Project

Evaluating the Impact of a Positive Parenting Intervention on Child Maltreatment and Parent-child Interactions

The lasting and detrimental consequences of physical, verbal, and sexual abuse endured by young children are clear, and children in post-conflict settings are often at elevated risk. As parents are often perpetrators of child maltreatment, interventions at the parent and family levels allow the important opportunity to decrease negative or abusive behavior.

Explore Project

Evaluating the Impact of a Savings Program and Family-Based Intervention on Household Assets and Children’s Education, Health, and Psychosocial Wellbeing in Burundi

Explore Project
Democratic Republic of CongoCompleted

Evaluating the Impact of Academic and Economic Interventions on Student Learning Outcomes and Attendance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Evidence from the Randomized Controlled Trial of VasYFille!

Explore Project
Côte d’IvoireCompleted

Evaluating the Impact of an Economic and Empowerment Intervention on the Prevention of Partner Violence in Côte d’Ivoire

Explore Project

Evaluating the Impact of Community-Driven Reconstruction in Post-Conflict Liberia

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Evaluating the Impact of Clinical Training on Quality and Comprehensive Care for Survivors of Sexual Violence

Explore Project

Evaluating the impact of gender discussion groups on women’s empowerment and intimate partner violence

Explore Project

Evaluating the Impact of Micro-franchising with Youth in Kenya

Explore Project

Evaluating the Impact of the Sisters of Success Program

Explore Project
Democratic Republic of CongoCompleted

Evaluating the Long-Term Effects of Participation in Village Savings and Loans Associations on Social, Psychological, and Economic Outcomes for Survivors of Sexual Violence in the DRC

Explore Project

Evaluating the potential impact of cash transfers on women’s experience of violence and wellbeing in Raqqa Governate, Syria

The use of cash has been exponentially increasing in recent years as a mechanism to help households meet their basic needs in emergencies.  Yet, evidence from more stable contexts suggest that cash also has the potential to influence household dynamics and (mostly positively) impact women’s experiences of violence in the home, but little is known about this relationship in more insecure settings.

Explore Project

Evaluation of Community Engagement Strategies to Increase Immunization Coverage: a Formative Evaluation

Explore Project

Evaluation of Hogaan Iyo Nabad: The Governance and Peace- Building Program in Somalia

Explore Project
Multiple countriesOngoing

Exploratory Design for Self-Managed Contraception in the Venezuela Crisis Region

Understanding how self-care products and services can support the contraception and abortion needs of migratory women and girls with limited or unpredictable access to health care facilities.

Explore Project

Feasibility and Acceptability of Gender-Based Violence Screening: Primary Health Facilities in Humanitarian Settings, Dadaab, Kenya

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Financial integration in displacement

By the end of 2017, an estimated 68.5 million people had been forcibly displaced from their homes as a result of conflict or violence. Of these, 25.4 million were registered refugees, 3.1 million were asylum seekers, and nearly 13.4 million are trapped in protracted situations (UNHCR, 2018). Governments and international and domestic aid agencies have been scrambling to handle the influx of displaced populations. Donors, host governments, and other actors have been stretching to meet basic immediate humanitarian needs, but also to build the self-reliance of the newcomers while they are living in displacement.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Formative research and impact evaluation of Ahlan Simsim

Formative research and impact evaluations are being conducted of Ahlan Simsim, an Early Childhood Development program that aims to restore hope and opportunity for a generation of children affected by the Syrian refugee crisis.

Explore Project

From Feedback to Action: Strategies to Interpret and Apply Beneficiary Feedback

Explore Project
Ivory CoastCompleted

Gender-Based Violence Among Urban Internally Displaced People in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Explore Project

GBV and Livelihood Assistance to Central African Refugees and Chadian Returnees in Southern Chad

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Games for Diversity and Inclusion

Promoting workplace diversity and inclusiveness through games

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Generating Evidence for the Use of Cash Relief for Health Outcomes in Pakistan and Cameroon

Explore Project

Generating evidence on self-managed contraception in humanitarian settings

Identify existing self-managed contraception practices, entry points and challenges in Borno and Adamawa States in Northeast Nigeria and increase access to self-managed family planning.

Explore Project

Generating evidence on the effect of cash relief on local markets

Explore Project
Multiple countriesOngoing

Humanitarian Debt Swaps

An innovative transaction to refinance sovereign debt in fragile contexts, resulting in new funding streams for communities at the frontline of conflict and climate crisis.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesOngoing

Humanitarian EdTech Innovation Toolkit

Tools and insights for innovating with technology-based education in a humanitarian context

Explore Project
Southern SudanCompleted

Impact Evaluation of a Five-Year iCCM Program in a Conflict-Affected Area South Sudan

Explore Project
Democratic Republic of CongoCompleted

Impact Evaluation of ‘Engaging Men in Accountable Practices’ in the DRC

Explore Project

Impact evaluation of the 2013–2014 winter cash assistance program for Syrian refugees in Lebanon

The IRC commissioned an impact evaluation of the UNHCR winter cash assistance program for Syrian refugees in Lebanon. This program disbursed more than US$41 million to 87,700 households from November 2013–April 2014 through a ‘winterization’ program with the objective of keeping people warm and dry during cold winter months.

Explore Project

Impacts of anticipatory cash to small-holder farmers and livestock owners in Northeast Nigeria

The overall positive impacts of anticipatory cash to small-holder farmers and livestock owners in Northeast Nigeria in advance of forecasted climatic shocks.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Improving guidance on menstrual hygiene management

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Improving Services for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health

Explore Project
Democratic Republic of CongoCompleted

Improving the Appropriateness of the iCCM Training and Tool Package

Explore Project

Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of humanitarian cash assistance

While cash assistance as a means to manage immediate food needs is now well established, its potential to simultaneously support longer-term outcomes has not yet been harnessed. We hypothesize that simple innovations in how cash assistance is designed could unlock the potential to achieve longer lasting impact in programs addressing basic needs.

Explore Project

In Search of Survival and Sanctuary in the City

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Increasing Access to Care and Healing for Gender-Based Violence Survivors: a Feasibility and Acceptability Study for InnovativeApproaches to GBV Case Management in Emergency Environments

Mobile and remote technology-based programming may be able to address key gaps in service delivery for gender-based violence in emergencies but little is known about the feasibility and acceptability of these methods. The guidance aims to support donors and GBV practitioners to effectively resource and design quality mobile and remote technology-based programming for GBV Service Delivery.

Explore Project

Information Flows

Getting displaced people the information they need, when they need it

Explore Project


Using behavioral science and human-centered design to bridge the information and behavioral gaps that prevent people from seeking mental health and psychosocial support.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesOngoing

Innovative Finance Advisory Model

A pioneering new approach to scale the impact of multilateral development bank, development finance institution, or private sector investments for social impact projects in fragile and conflict-affected contexts.

Explore Project

Integrating Cash Transfers into GBV Programming, Jordan

Explore Project

Integrating Family Planning with Maternal and Child Health

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Intersections of violence against women and girls with state-building and peace-building: Lessons from Nepal, Sierra Leone and South Sudan

This study, part of DFID’s What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls research program, focused on three countries, Nepal, South Sudan, and Sierra Leone, and reviewed how different forms and drivers of violence against women and girls (VAWG) have been addressed by national and international actors in state building and peace building processes in these three countries.

Explore Project

Investigating and improving a Community Health Worker-based model for non-communicable diseases: Care among Syrian refugees in Jordan

Explore Project
Sierra LeoneCompleted

Leave No Girl Behind: Evaluation of EAGER in Sierra Leone

Explore Project

Leave No Girl Behind: Evaluation of Teach and Educate Adolescent girls with Community Help (TEACH) project

Explore Project

Local Manufacturing of Medical Supplies in Northwest Syria

Building up the needed supply chain of Personal Protective Equipment using open source designs and local manufacturing

Explore Project

Long-Term Risks and Benefits for Children Treated for Moderate Acute Malnutrition Using Ready-to-Use Foods

Explore Project

Mahali Lab

A community-driven innovation lab in Amman, Jordan

Explore Project
Democratic Republic of CongoCompleted

Making Services Work for the Poor in Fragile and Conflict-affected Contexts: An Impact Evaluation of the Tuungane Community Scorecard Approach in Eastern DRC

Explore Project

Measuring Local Determinants of Acute Malnutrition in Chad: A Case-Control Study

Explore Project

Medicine Bank

Reducing the cost of medicine for people with chronic illness

Explore Project

Micronutrient Condiment

Introducing micronutrients into porridge for children at risk of malnutrition

Explore Project

Mobile Teams for Responding to and Mitigating GBV Amongst Women and Girls Displaced in Urban Contexts, Lebanon

Explore Project
Multiple countriesOngoing

Real Man Challenge

Transforming perceptions of masculinity to prevent violence against women

Explore Project
Democratic Republic of CongoCompleted

Operational Research of VasYFille’s EA$E program: How EA$E groups helped caregivers’ capacity to support girls’ education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

Explore Project

Pakistan Reading Project: Cost-effectiveness of a literacy intervention for early grades

The USAID-funded Pakistan Reading Project was created to address the reading deficit in Pakistani schools. This project aimed to improve students’ Urdu and Sindhi reading skills in grades 1 and 2, and through pilot interventions, improve reading in Pashto. An estimated 1.7 million students were reached by this program.

Explore Project

Participatory Action Research to Address Barriers to Timely and Safe Maternal Health Services in Monrovia

Explore Project
Sierra LeoneCompleted

Participatory Behavioral Change to Reinforce Infection Prevention and Control for Ebola Virus Disease

Explore Project
Democratic Republic of CongoCompleted

Participatory development in fragile and conflict-affected contexts: The five year follow up of the Tuungane Phase I and the evaluation of Tuungane Phase II in Eastern DRC

This impact evaluation was designed to assess the long-term effects of the Tuungane program’s phases 1 and 2, a large-scale community-driven reconstruction program implemented in over 1,000 communities in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

Explore Project
United StatesCompleted

Placement Algorithm

Using machine learning to predict where resettled refugees are likely to thrive

Explore Project
Multiple countriesOngoing


Supporting holistic learning for refugee and host-community children through Learning through Play.

Explore Project

Pop-Up Class Tanzania

Supplemental learning for under-performing children

Explore Project

Pop-Up Learning Tanzania

Bringing high quality digital learning to the homes of last mile learners affected by COVID-19.

Explore Project

Pop-Up Learning Bangladesh

Giving access to learning for children fleeing violence

Explore Project


Working alongside communities to prevent the risks associated with severe acute malnutrition in children

Explore Project
Southern SudanCompleted

Prevalence, forms, and patterns of violence against women and girls in conflict and humanitarian emergencies: A mixed methods study in South Sudan

Explore Project

Preventable causes of post-neonatal child deaths in Kakuma refugee camp: verbal autopsies and pathway analysis

Explore Project

Prevention and response to violence against women and girls in emergencies: accountability and adherence to the inter-agency standing committee gender-based violence guidelines in the response to Typhoon Haiyan

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Private Violence, Public Concern: intimate partner violence in crisis settings

Explore Project
Côte d’IvoireCompleted

Pro-Jeunes: Boosting (self-) employment for youth in Ivory Coast and the impact of socio-emotional skills training, information and norms

Due to years of forced idleness, most youth in the Ivory Coast lack the skills, knowledge, and resources to grasp employment opportunities, while private sector partners struggle to find suitably trained employees and entrepreneurs. The PRO-Jeunes project aims to provide business and employment readiness services to a total of 10,000 disadvantaged youth over the course of five years. The youth targeted in the program are particularly vulnerable: they are economically disadvantaged, hard-to-reach young people ages 15-24 years in rural and urban Ivory Coast.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Raising the bar for routine monitoring and evaluation in gender-based violence programs: A psychometric study to improve measurement of psychosocial well-being and felt stigma outcomes

Explore Project

Relapse after treatment of acute malnutrition

Relapse post-discharge from acute malnutrition treatment remains a largely neglected issue

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Resettlement Revolving Fund

Restructuring the way we finance refugee resettlement to see refugees as an investment

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

RISE for Nutrition

The RISE study will build on this evidence by positioning the IRC to lead a coalition of other implementing agencies who will operationally test the integration of treatment of uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition with their own integrated community case management programs, share experiences, and consider necessary revisions to bring the protocol and toolkit to scale.

Explore Project

Safe and sound in humanitarian settings: Empowerment counseling intervention delivered in antenatal care for pregnant women and girls affected by intimate partner violence in a refugee camp in Tanzania

This research aims to address the feasibility and acceptability of a brief empowerment counseling intervention among pregnant women and girls receiving antenatal care who have experienced intimate partner violence, in humanitarian healthcare settings.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Safe at home: A mixed-methods, pre-post study to develop a family violence program model to prevent and respond to violence against women and children in the home in humanitarian settings

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Safer cash: Ensuring risk mitigation and inclusion in multipurpose cash assistance

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Scaling economic opportunities for refugee women: Understanding and overcoming obstacles to women’s economic empowerment

In order to better understand the constraints refugee women face across contexts, the IRC is undertaking exploratory research in three different contexts, to understand the barriers and challenges displaced women face in entering and participating in the labor market.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Scaling economic opportunities for refugee women: Understanding and overcoming obstacles to women’s economic empowerment

In order to better understand the constraints refugee women face across contexts, the IRC is undertaking exploratory research in three different contexts, to understand the barriers and challenges displaced women face in entering and participating in the labor market.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesOngoing

Seed Security Solution Package

Ensuring farmers in conflict-affected contexts have access to quality climate-adapted seeds.

Explore Project
Sudan, SouthCompleted

Self-managed Contraception in South Sudan

To explore the feasibility and acceptability of the self-injected contraception model in rural and urban settings of South Sudan.

Explore Project

Service Delivery for Mobile Populations

Helping displaced people on the long road home

Explore Project
Multiple countriesOngoing

Ahlan Simsim

Teaching the world’s most vulnerable children

Explore Project

She Cares

Reducing unintended pregnancy amongst refugee adolescent girls and young women through a comprehensive package of self-care options in Yumbe and Lamwo, Uganda.

Explore Project

Social-Emotional Learning Kernels in Northeast Nigeria: Contextualization, Implementation Research, and Impact Research

The project is led by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the EASEL Lab at Harvard University, in partnership with Nigerian educators and government officials in Borno and Yobe states. The overall purpose of the project is to improve learning outcomes for students in Northeast Nigeria. The contextualization and implementation research phases of the project are complete.

Explore Project


Youth leadership expands learning outside the classroom

Explore Project

SQ-LNS to reduce relapse post-discharge from acute malnutrition treatment

Small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements (SQ-LNS) hold promise for preventing relapse in an efficient and cost-effective way

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Strengthening Protection and Reintegration for Children (SPARC): Evidence and action for children in armed conflict

Explore Project

Supporting traditional leaders and local structures to mitigate community-level conflict in Zimbabwe

Explore Project

Supporting Vendors’ Access to Capital in Crisis-Affected Markets

Testing a supply-side market intervention to improve vendor and market function in Somalia.

Explore Project

The cost-effectiveness of accelerated learning programs and the added value of on-site coaching on the learning and transition outcomes of out-of-school children in northern Nigeria

During two years of intervention, about 20,000 eligible out-of-school children will receive structured instruction in literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional learning. Researchers from the IRC are conducting a mixed methods, randomized control trial to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the program on the learning and transition outcomes.

Explore Project
Sierra LeoneCompleted

The effects of an integrated community case management strategy on the appropriate treatment of children and child mortality in Kono District: A program evaluation

Explore Project

The effects of tutoring on children’s learning outcomes in Nigeria

From 2018-2019, the Airbel Impact Lab conducted this Impact Evaluation to measure the impact of remedial tutoring on primary school children in conflict-affected settings in Nigeria. This intervention prioritized the development of basic literacy, numeracy and social-emotional learning (SEL) skills for low-performing primary school children and children at high risk of dropping out.

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Education in Emergencies: Evidence for Action (3EA) in Lebanon, Niger and Sierra Leone

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

The use of counting beads to improve the classification of fast breathing

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Trade Accelerator

Explore Project
Multiple countriesOngoing

Transforming Treatment for Acute Malnutrition

Transforming the way acute malnutrition is treated to save lives and cost

Explore Project

Treatment of severely underweight children

Testing the efficacy of treatment of severe underweight in children 6-59 months with different nutritional protocols in Mali

Explore Project


Using edu-tainment to support children's social and emotional learning at home

Explore Project
Southern SudanCompleted

Understanding the effect of crisis on integrated community case management of childhood illness

Explore Project
Democratic Republic of CongoCompleted

Understanding the use of cash transfers for displaced adolescent girls through participatory qualitative methods

Explore Project
Democratic Republic of CongoCompleted

Universal versus conditional three-day follow-up for children with uncomplicated fever at the community level: A cluster-randomized, community-based, non-inferiority trial

Explore Project

Urban Housing

Seeking new solutions for host communities and displaced people

Explore Project

Urban refugee research and social capital: a roundtable report and literature review

Explore Project

Use of problem-driven iterative adaptation to improve health facility accountability to clients and quality of care

Explore Project

Validation of social-emotional learning measures in Nigeria for use in the Education Crisis Response project

Explore Project
Multiple countriesCompleted

Virtual Baby

Tamagotchi-style game normalizes healthy behaviors for children

Explore Project

What is an effective model of care for survivors of gender-based violence in a refugee camp? An assessment of a comprehensive case management model using a task shifting approach with refugee community workers to improve access, quality of care, and health outcomes for survivors of violence in the refugee camps of Dadaab, Kenya

Explore Project