Multiple countries
Private Violence, Public Concern: intimate partner violence in crisis settings
Private Violence, Public Concern was a State/Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration-funded project that sought to ignite action to better address intimate partner violence (IPV) in humanitarian settings by answering the fundamental questions needed to build a foundation for better programming. The IRC, in partnership with expert researchers, conducted qualitative research in Anjong Thok, South Sudan; Dadaab, Kenya; and Domiz, Iraq with over 280 respondents.
This resulted in a published and widely disseminated report to guide the humanitarian community to understand:
- What are the drivers and nature of IPV in refugee and conflict-affected humanitarian settings?
- How have the refugee and humanitarian contexts affected the manifestation of IPV?
- How do women in these contexts experience and cope with IPV? What are the entry points and challenges for humanitarian organizations implementing GBV programs?
- What are women’s suggestions and perspectives on how organizations can address this issue?