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A photo from the Airbel Impact Lab archive
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Education Research in Conflict and Protracted Crises (ERICC)


ERICC is thrilled to announce that University College London (UCL) has joined the ERICC consortium as academic partner, and that Professor Tejendra Pherali, Professor of Education, Conflict and Peace IOE - Education, Practice & Society at UCL, will co-lead the ERICC consortium as co-Research Director, alongside Silvia Diazgranados Ferrans, Director of Education Research at the IRC.


Education Research in Conflict and Protracted Crisis (ERICC) is a three-year Education in Emergencies (EiE) research programme funded by the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). Countries in focus include Bangladesh (Cox’s Bazar), Jordan, Lebanon, Myanmar, Nigeria, South Sudan and Syria, and the programme is comprised of four main components:

  1. Research on the most effective approaches to education in conflict and protracted crisis,
  2. In-Country Operational Support
  3. Promoting research uptake across FCDO and the international community, and
  4. Knowledge Systems Strengthening

The ERICC consortium and approach to research

The ERICC RPC is led by the International Rescue Committee (IRC), in collaboration with IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, and expert partners include The Centre for Lebanese Studies, Common Heritage Foundation, Forcier Consulting, ODI, Osman Consulting, Oxford Policy Management and Queen Rania Foundation. During ERICC’s inception period, NYU-TIES provided research leadership, developed the original ERICC Conceptual Framework and contributed to early research agenda development.

ERICC RPC is committed to four primary principles for conducting rigorous research:

  • Having developed and using ERICC Conceptual Framework to conduct systematic evidence reviews, evidence building and evidence based decision-making
  • Developing contextual understandings of the Political Economy of Education of different conflict and crises settings
  • A co-constructive approach to building research agendas through stakeholder engagement from the start for evidence use and evidence uptake
  • Applying a research methods framework to build evidence in a systematic and rigorous way

ERICC publications

At the end if ERICC’s inception year the RPC published theERICC Inception Report in March 2023. The report provides an overview of the consortium, the ERICC theory of change, the ERICC Conceptual Framework, process for developing country research agendas and much more. 

Read the ERICC Conceptual Framework developed by NYU Global TIES for Children during the Inception Period, and interact with the ERICC Conceptual Framework - interactive version.

In response to the crisis in Ukraine, ERICC developed a policy brief, Preventing a Lost Generation in Ukraine: Recommendations for Supporting Education in Emergency Humanitarian Response.

Upon conducting systematic evidence reviews on the state of education in settings of conflict and protracted crisis, the RPC has found there is little to no evidence of ‘what works’ and even fewer studies with analysis at policy-systems level. Through the stakeholder consultation and co-creation process — at local, national and global levels — RPC is identifying key gaps and prioritizing critical issues with end-user stakeholders for improving access, quality and continuity of education in conflict and protracted crisis settings — and for improving coherence within education systems — ultimately for improving holistic outcomes for children.

Below are the latest ERICC publications, including Evidence Reviews, Data Systems Reviews, Political Economy Analyses and co-constructed Research Agendas:

And much more, stay tuned! 

ERICC Leadership

ERICC Research Programme Consortium Leadership

Tejendra Pherali, ERICC co-Research Director (UCL)
Silvia-Diazgranados Ferráns, ERICC co-Research Director

Marie-France Guimond, ERICC Programme Director

Oladele Akogun, ERICC Research Director - Nigeria & South Sudan (IRC)

Robert Palmer, ERICC Research Director - Jordan (QRF)

Htet Thiha Zaw, ERICC Research Director - Bangladesh & Myanmar

Cathrine Brun, ERICC Research Director - Lebanon (CLS)

To be announced, ERICC Research Director - Syria

Tim Kelsall, ERICC Senior Policy Lead (ODI)

Maku Obuobi, ERICC Deputy Director & Fund Manager (IRC)

ERICC Technical & Advisory Board

Larry Aber
Co-director, NYU-TIES School for Children

Modupe Adefeso-Olateju
Managing Director, TEP Centre

Michelle Brown
Global Education Cluster Coordinator

Thomas Dreesen
Education Research Manager, UNICEF Innocenti

Sarah Dryden Peterson
Associate Professor, Director, REACH, Harvard University

David Evans
Senior Fellow, CGD

Loise Gichuhi
Education Economist and EiE Expert, University of Nairobi

Emma Gremley
Senior Director, Education Technical Unit, IRC

Sarah Kabay
Education Program Director, Innovations for Poverty Action

Graham Lang
Chief of Education, ECW

Rebecca Telford
Education Section Chief, UNHCR

Anna-Maria Tammi
Technical Lead, GPE Education in Emergencies CAFS

Leonard Wantchekon
Professor, Princeton University

Nina Weisenhorn
Deputy Director, Office of Social Services, USAID/Afghanistan
