Vaidehi Uberoi
Behavioral Insights Advisor
Vaidehi Uberoi is the Behavioral Insights Advisor at Airbel Impact Lab based in New York. She is responsible for scoping, designing, implementing, and testing behavioral strategies and interventions within projects across Airbel’s Global Research and Innovation Priorities. Vaidehi’s background lies in Psychology, specifically at the intersection of behavioral research and poverty alleviation. She started her career as a consumer psychologist in the field of marketing and then transitioned towards development and humanitarian action for the global south. She has worked for organizations such as Busara Center for Behavioral Economics, Rare’s Center for Behavior & the Environment, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment at Princeton University, and Kantar India. Vaidehi’s work focuses on exploring needs, designing tools, and implementing interventions to help people and communities live sustainable and healthier livelihoods. She holds a Master’s in behavioral & Decision Sciences from the University of Pennsylvania where she completed her research on exploring social norms for breast cancer screenings in India, in a collaboration between Centre for Social Dynamics and Behavior Change, University of Pennsylvania and Centre for Social and Behavior Change, Ashoka University.