Sheree Kullenberg
Research and evidence
Evidence to Action

Sheree Kullenberg

Director of Design, Innovation and Learning

Sheree Kullenberg is the Director of Design, Innovation and Learning. Sheree has over 15 years of experience in research and use of evidence for program design, implementation and learning. She joined IRC in 2011 as a Research Advisor for Governance programs supporting the impact evaluation of IRC’s largest program at the time. She has subsequently held several roles, most recently as the Associate Director of Evidence and Learning and interim Director, Research. During her 13 years at the IRC, Sheree has worked in partnership with Technical Units to drive impact in current and new programs by generating evidence and institutionalizing IRC’s use of evidence. She has also been a critical partner in several organizational strategic initiatives and has collaborated with teams in every CRRD region as well as RAI Europe. Sheree’s background is in Comparative Politics, Empirical Methods and Social Psychology and she holds degrees from Morgan State and Yale Universities.