Ligia Aguilar
Senior Advisor, Evidence to Action
Ligia currently serves as the E2A Senior Advisor for the USAID RETO Project, which is implemented in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. RETO seeks to create the demand for sustainable, effective solutions for youth violence prevention through evidence-based education programming and policymaking. RETO engages key stakeholders, to identify gaps in their knowledge, facilitates access to available evidence to analyze and advocate for informed decision-making designed to prevent violence in Northern Central America. Ligia has been working with a local IRC technical team to provide technical assistance to 12 local partners responsible for implementation. Under the leadership of Anjini Mishra, Ligia has supported local partners for the development of EGM and evidence synthesis for the first time in the region. In addition, Ligia has developed a technical proposal for the use of available evidence to build the capacity of key education local stakeholders to understand and discern this evidence.
Before joining IRC, Ligia has worked as an Education Specialist with specific areas such as violence prevention, children's rights, gender, and cultural diversity. She has worked for the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and Pestalozzi Foundation (Swiss Cooperation), in addition to collaborating with research and implementation projects with Mathematica and UNICEF. Ligia has also worked as a teacher and a professor in her country.
Ligia holds a Master's degree in Educational Effectiveness and Improvement from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and a Bachelor's degree in Literature and Languages from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán in Honduras.