Carla Lopez
Director for Health Innovation
Carla’s background is a mash-up of global health, user-centred design, and implementing projects that reach millions of people. She is currently exploring how to work through private sector value chains to deliver micronutrients to last-mile markets and choice-based services to support caregivers to prevent severe acute malnutrition.
Previously, Carla was a technical advisor (HIV, malaria, sexual-reproductive health, behaviour change communications, child survival, social marketing) and country director at Population Services International, a Global Fellow at IDEO.org, and a human-centred design consultant. She has run programmes everywhere, from Papua New Guinea to Haiti.
Carla works to design programmes that are valuable to the people we serve; have clear metrics for success; and adapt to changing needs. Reach out to her if you want to talk about Ebola, social marketing, qualitative research tools, adolescent sexual health, radio soap operas, trainings alternatives, latrines, franchise business models, or prototyping.