A photo from the Airbel Impact Lab archive
Democratic Republic of Congo

Understanding the use of cash transfers for displaced adolescent girls through participatory qualitative methods

Despite a growing use of cash transfers, there is limited evidence on the impact of unconditional cash transfers in post-conflict settings, particularly in relation to prevention of violence against adolescent girls. The purpose of this study is to implement a continuous quality improvement research approach to i) understand the use and perceived impact of cash transfers for  girls in acute emergencies, as part of the COMPASS program; and ii) to pilot different qualitative, participatory methodologies with girls (aged 15-19 years) to advance understanding of which methods resonate in this age group. Specific research questions include:

  • What are the challenges girls face in humanitarian settings, specifically related to the intersections of violence and economic wellbeing?
  • How should cash transfer programming and theories of change be adapted to girls aged 15–19 years in this context?
  • At the end of the cash delivery program, what did the girls perceive as the impact of cash transfers?

Approximately 50 girls residing in three internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in North Kivu took part in the qualitative continuous quality improvement model research.
