A photo from the Airbel Impact Lab archive

Integrating Cash Transfers into GBV Programming, Jordan

The  scope  and complexity  of the Syrian crisis  has catalyzed a massive  humanitarian response across  the region, including the unprecedented  scale-up of unconditional cash transfer programming to respond to the largely  urban refugee crisis. With limited global practice and guidance on programming  unconditional cash transfers to enhance protection in an emergency context, the current  research was undertaken. Specific research questions included: Does the combination of cash  transfer, GBV case management, and gender discussion groups increase women and girls’ safety and reduce  negative coping mechanisms? Does cash assistance exacerbate protection risks? How can we improve existing  tools and processes to better measure vulnerability or resilience to GBV? How can we strengthen monitoring tools and  systems to measure the protection outcomes of cash transfer projects and GBV services? 


The  research  utilized qualitative  methodologies beginning  with a desk review of existing literature on cash and protection in humanitarian contexts and IRC’s program-related documentation, including assessments, project proposals,  case management forms, and post-distribution monitoring reports. Other qualitative data collection included focus groups (n=72) and in-depth interviews (n=19). Findings from the research indicate that resilience  to GBV is supported by receiving both cash transfers and women’s protection and empowerment services, rather than cash alone and that receiving cash and attending the Gender Discussion Groups can result  in a decrease of IPV and domestic violence. Beneficiaries report that the skills acquired through participating in these psychosocial services enables them to cope positively with changing dynamics among family members. Women feel stronger, confident, respected and able to negotiate. Men and women feel listened to and report fewer arguments and conflicts over money leading to a reduction of violence in the home.


  • Fact Sheet
  • Final report