Feasibility and Acceptability of Gender-Based Violence Screening: Primary Health Facilities in Humanitarian Settings, Dadaab, Kenya
Screening for GBV has become a topic of debate in humanitarian programming over the past few years as research has largely been limited to studies in developed countries. To address this, IRC has worked since 2011 on the piloting, implementation, and evaluation of the ASIST-GBV, a GBV screening tool developed by Johns Hopkins University specifically for use in humanitarian settings. Findings from the evaluation indicate that, with the appropriate measures taken and prerequisites met, GBV screening by health providers has the potential to 1) create a confidential environment where survivors can speak openly about their experiences with GBV, 2) ensure competent care and referrals based on individual needs and wishes of survivors, and 3) increase community awareness about GBV issues, thereby reducing stigma and improving attitudes.